Monday, June 28, 2010

That through year after year
Something very few witness
But all that breathe have wished for
Such a sad story it is
For a love of the deepest
To be wasted at last.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Everyday her heart broke all over again as if it shattered into a million pieces every morning just as she opened her eyes. It was as if the alarm clock had some evil magic power that brought back the pain. At the moment her feet touched the floor, she spent the rest of the day gasping for breath while trying to pick the sharp pieces out of her lungs. With every midnight prayer, she tried to re-form the pieces into a figure that at least somewhat resemebled the shape of a heart, only for it to shatter again the next morning with the sound of that wretched alarm clock.

The days had flown by and before she knew it a year had come and gone. She had an impossibly hard time believing that it had been that long. She spent so much of her energy just trying to figure out why she still hurt that she barely had any energy left to try to make the pain stop. She wondered how much more time it would take. She was growing tired, but knew inside that the worst pain was better than the numbess that would overcome her if she finally let him go.